Welcome to Mitrosh Banya Legend

The utmost professionalism and service. Russian hospitality and Eastern philosophy.

We have unique banya school based on an authentic method of our creator Gera Mitrosh

Every banschik undergoes monthly certification, honing skills not only working with whisk and steam, but paying special attention to emotional state and feelings of every guest in order to let you experience the highest level of service in great detail.

We never stop looking for the perfection and enjoy banya culture of other folks embedded in Russian traditions.

Russian banya

  • wood-burning banya
  • up to 5 people can get parenie ritual at the same time
  • joint massage
  • grinding with fir-tree whisk
  • honey and salt rubbing
  • pouring beer and kvass

British Banya is a huge banya complex at the very heart of Krasnaya Polyana among mount peaks, Caucasian deep woods and crystal springs


  • clay hemisphere 5 m in diameter
  • soft steam
  • fresh herbs decoctions
  • capacity of 12 people
  • authentic parenie ritual from our banschiks

Bannik’s tank

  • heated by a living fire
  • filled with spring water with herbal decoctions
  • capacity of 6 peolple
  • temperature 40-41 C°


  • filled with spring water
  • oxygen filtration system
  • heated in cold season
  • depth of up to 2 m

Wooden bath

  • spring water
  • temperature up to +8 C°
  • depth of 2 m

Tea room

  • panoramic view on mountains and complex
  • warm and closed space for rest after parenie rituals
  • tea sets with honey and jam of local fruits from Krasnaya Polyana

Best banschiks of the country

We are sure without modesty that our banschiks are the best in the country Banschik who wants to become an expert has to think, learn a lot, have decent practice as well as possess creative thinking and ability to speak clearly, listen and understand any guest.

There’s a lot of love, care and professionalism in our masters, but each of them has his own character and temper.Annual appraisals, master classes and trainings are essential things for honing skills and pushing the limits.

Banya rituals for joy and wellness


Fragrant heating in one round with gentle temperature. Done in clay steam room “Hedgehog” heated on wood with herbal decoctions on spring water. Steam room capacity is up to 12 people.
Price: 5300 ₽
Duration: 20 min

Parenie for kids

Performed by one banschik, attended with using only soft steam and delicate temperature in one round with kvass. Unforgettable first acquaintance with steam and immersion into the world of banya.
Price: 6200 ₽
Duration: 15 min


Light and tender parenie is ideal for those who likes unhurried approach and soft steam. Parenie ritual in two rounds includes rubbing with salt and head cooling with beer and kvass. Performed by one banschik.
Price: 11600 ₽
Duration: 30 min

Almost favorite

Would be beloved by those who like rich and intensive heating. Performed by two banschiks in one round with honey and salt rubbing. Carried out at high temperature in steam room.
Price: 15200 ₽
Duration: 30 min

Gladysheva’s cloud

This parenie would remind you a real spa procedure. Performed by two banschiks in one round honey with solt, grapefruit rubbing and contrasting douches. We apply hair mask “Lingzhi and shiitake” on your hair and it will provide comprehensive care for it.
Price: 17540 ₽
Duration: 45 min


A special treatment for those who claim themselves to be skilled banschiks and expect a magical feeling and mystical experience. Performed by two banschiks in two rounds including rubbing with honey and salt, head cooling with beer and kvass and grinding with fir-tree whisk.
Price: 22400 ₽
Duration: 45 min

Steelmaker’s extreme

Parenie for real men which is performed by two banschiks. Two full parenie treatments at high temperatures with rubbing with honey and salt and head massage with beer.
Price: 23300 ₽
Duration: 60 min

How I like it

Parenie for sophisticated guests performed by two banschiks. We will supplement your ritual with our skills and signature Mitrosh style.
Price: 26000 ₽
Duration: 60 min

Parenie by Roman Usok

Roman is talented, charismatic and very sensitive to guests’ moods and states. Banschiks also refer to him as Roma the shaman. There are many hacks of bath school in his arsenal. Becoming professional of high level, he has spent 8 years at Mitrosh Banya as banschik. His signature parenie is the quintessence of the best techniques which could be even imagined in steam room. There will be chosen comfortable temperature conditions and amount of rounds according to your preferences and wishes.
Price: 38600 ₽
Duration: 90 min

Parenie by Andrey Grekov

Andrey is definitely a banschik who you want to trust to. He is cool, calm, attentive, careful and also a big fan of musical accompaniment while being in banya. It’s hard to call him just banschik or steammaster, he is the Creator. The creator of this very quality banya ritual, which every time slightly differs as individually selected for a lucky one who is the main character of this magical dance.
Price: 38600 ₽
Duration: 90 min

Parenie by Dmitriy Lebedev

Dmitriy is extremely attentive and highly professional banschik. He created this very parenie treatment inspired by long known ritual of banya wrapping with the whole beauty of Russian banya. It helps to regain and refresh inner strength. This banya ritual is performed with using more than sixteen ingredients containing various herbs, whisks, berries and fruits.
Price: 38600 ₽
Duration: 90 min

Parenie by Ilya Levanov

Signature parenie by Ilya is a mental relaxation, where your mind literally dissolves in space. Mild contrasts with fragrant berry rubbings, soft steam and water cuddles. Ilya will carefully, slowly and sensitively bring you to the state of harmony with yourself.
Price: 33200 ₽
Duration: 90 min

Complement your stay at banya with spa ritual with natural organic cosmetics. The result will exceed the expectations


In Mitrosh Banya you will learn many different massage techniques. All massage procedures we perform are based on natural oils of sesame and coconut.

Express-massage of feet or head (15 min)
3500 ₽
Foot massage (20 min)
4040 ₽
Head massage (20 min)
4040 ₽
Hand massage (20 min)
4040 ₽
Back massage (30 min)
5300 ₽
Leg massage (30 min)
5300 ₽
Head and face massage (40 min)
6200 ₽
Face massage (30 min)
5300 ₽
Back and leg massage (40 min)
6200 ₽
Classic massage (60 min)
7100 ₽
Head and foot massage, 2 therapists (30 min)
9260 ₽
Classic massage, 2 therapists (50 min)
12500 ₽
Samurai massage (30 min)
4400 ₽
Anti-cellulite segmental massage (30 min)
5660 ₽
Classical anti-cellulite massage (60 min)
8000 ₽
Lymphatic drainage massage (60 min)
6560 ₽
Abhyanga, 1 therapist (60 min)
6560 ₽
Abhyanga, 2 therapists (50 min)
12500 ₽
Tibetan massage (60 min)
7460 ₽

Spa programs

We have developed a complex of premium spa programs. Peeling, massage and wrapping after deep heating in steam room are undoubtedly more effective than in an ordinary salon. We use the cosmetics of Russian brand Spaquatoria which stands out due to its unique composition of herbal remedies and natural ingredients.

Spa program “Lymph Detox” (150 min)
21500 ₽
Spa program “Forest Power” (120 min)
17000 ₽
Spa program “Pure Linen” (90 min)
14300 ₽
Spa program “12 herbs” (100 min)
13400 ₽
Spa program “Fucus” (100 min)
12500 ₽

Masks for face, body and hair

Main components of masks in Mitrosh Banya - sapropel muds, clay, alpine herbs, milk and honey help your skin to shine with beauty and health.

Hair mask “Lingzhi and shiitake” (15 min)
3500 ₽
Hair mask "Recovery" (15 min)
3500 ₽
Gentle face scrub with jojoba granules
2240 ₽
Alginate mask
2240 ₽
Complex face care
7100 ₽


Wrapping is one of the most effective procedures in traditional cosmetology which is aimed at fighting cellulite, overweight as well as with swellings and fatigue.

Hot chocolate wrapping (30 min)
4850 ₽
Seaweed wrapping (30 min)
7100 ₽
Linen wrapping (30 min)
4850 ₽
Magnesium booster “Ocean Prana“
1700 ₽


One of the most popular anti-aging procedures. Peeling is based on exfoliation of dead surface. In Mitrosh Banya complex we perform only manual exfoliation to save you from possible pain and injuries.

Foam washing (15 min)
4400 ₽
Body washing with Moroccan “Beldi” soap
(20 min)
4400 ₽
Rasayana - Vedic scrub with spices (20 min)
4400 ₽
Salt body peeling with seaweed (15 min)
4400 ₽
Salt peeling “Linen” (20 min)
4400 ₽

Alginate mask

Price: 2240 ₽
Improves skin elasticity, removes toxins, tightens poresmoisturizes and nourishes skin with micro-elements.

Complex face care

Price: 7100 ₽
Care includes: cleansing, mask-peeling, face massage with nourishing oil-essence. The program was specially created for transformation of skin.

Gentle face scrub with jojoba granules

Price: 2240 ₽
An excellent care that stimulates skin regeneration, smooths wrinkles, stimulates micro circulation and improves complexion, as a result gives your skin a youthful radiance.

Hair mask “Lingzhi and shiitake”

Price: 3500 ₽
Nourishes scalp, strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss and boosting growth. Gives volume and prevents the appearance of split ends.


Price: 3500 ₽
Active complexconsists of 12 herbs, seaweed essences and highland shilajit restores and strengthenshair structure, nourishes scalp with oxygen, micro and macro elements.

Hot chocolate wrapping

Price: 4850 ₽
Duration: 30 min
Cocoa contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, which boost collagen and elastin synthesis, nourishing, smoothing and rejuvenating skin increasing its elasticity, while antioxidants tone up and tighten skin. The procedure has unique and relaxing properties, relieves fatigue and gives energy.

Seaweed wrapping

Price: 7100 ₽
Duration: 30 min
Cleansing, detoxication and moisturizing. Alga has long been used for wrappings because of its anti-cellulite and healing effects. Whole living algae contains iodine in an organic form, as a result it is completely absorbed by the body. The skin is satirized with minerals and becomes smooth, healthy, moisturized.

Linen wrapping

Price: 4850 ₽
Duration: 30 min
Luxurious wrap in a linen sheet, consisting of a fragrant decoction of 9 herbs, flaxseed, blue Cambrian clay, fucus, flaxseed and essential oils, vitamins e and f, activates detoxification, fights cellulite, has an antiseptic, calming effect

Magnesium booster
“Ocean Prana“

Price: 1700 ₽
The program instantly saturates your body with magnesium, which boosts up metabolic processes, helps to cure joint and muscle pain, slows aging, relaxes nervous tension and improves psycho-emotional state.Commonly used in figure correction programs Magnesium is recommended to be sealed under any mask, cream or wrapping.

Moisturizing body lotion

Price: 1970 ₽
Duration: 10 min
Body lotion contains hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and black orchid extract. It moisturizes, nourishes, softens, soothes the skin, and enhances its elasticity.

Foam washing

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 15 min
You will feel like a kid wrapped up in fluffy foam. The therapist will rub your body thoroughly with foam using special bath mitten on heated marble slab.

Body washing with Moroccan beldi soap

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 20 min
Black liquid soap is manufactured following an old Berber tradition of Morocco and appears to be one of the first products of personal hygiene. It is made of olive oil, essences, crushed eucalyptus and grapefruit extract. It rejuvenates and nourishes skin, carefully preserving its structure.

Rasayana - Vedic scrub with spices

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 20 min
You will appreciate this spicy fragrant composition for its ability to clear, tone up, smoothen and soften skin. Scrub has the anti-cellulite property owing to warming effect of spices. The treatment maintains youth and vigor, makes your skin shiny and healthy, calms the mind and gives you sense of joy and happiness, adjusting organs and energetic channels to be on the mend.

Salt body peeling with seaweed

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 15 min
Anti-cellulite rejuvenating detox program. Deeply cleanses body, removes waste and toxins, refills skin with essential minerals and nutrients, suitable for all skin types. Particularly effective as preparatory stage before body shaping wrapping and massages.

Salt peeling “Linen”

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 20 min
Scrub with salt crystals and blue Cambrian clay, linen and black caraway seeds deeply cleanses and polishes skin, produces an osmosis effect, boosts drainage and detoxication of organism, helps to preclude congestion and swelling.

Body peeling with volcanic dust

Price: 4400 ₽
Duration: 20 min
Organic scrub made of natural zeolit and Saki salt restores the structure of collagen, reduces swelling, nourishes skin with micro-elements and removes cornfield skin layer.

Spa program “Pure Linen”

Price: 14300 ₽
Duration: 90 min
This spa program is thought up specially for those who appreciates an instant modeling and anti-cellulite effect. whole body and skin are cleansed with a special scrub made of sea salt crystals, blue Cambrian clay, linen and black caraway seeds. Salt crystals and blue clay produce an osmosis effect, boost drainage and detoxication of organism, help to preclude swelling. Linen wrapping up is done with mask made of unique components: decoctions of linen seed, juniper, sagebrush, thyme, blue Cambrian clay, fucus and laminaria algae extracts and vitamins. Linen mask cleanses skin, stimulates body tissues drainage, provides soothing and revitalizing effects.
1. Body scrub “Linen”
2. Wrapping mask “Linen wrapping”
3. Linen face mask
4. Back/leg massage

Spa program “Forest Power”

Price: 17000 ₽
Duration: 120 min
Spa ritual with oil, peeling and wrapping “Forest Power” is another bath full of precious forest gifts which wonderfully strengthens the body and brings your thoughts into harmony. Natural ingredients and aromas gently help you to break out of daily routine, relieve the tension, feel the goodness and unity with nature and rejuvenate. Highly effective massage cream based on decoction of pine needles, cranberry, cowberry, cedar oleoresin and pine essences nourishes and regenerates skin, has healing, soothing and rejuvenating properties. Wrapping mask is a true natural pharmacy. It contains vitamins, antioxidants, essences and increases blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition and calms nervous system.
1. General massage with cream butter “Forest Power”
2.Peeling “Forest Power”
3. Wrapping mask “Forest Power”
4. Face massage with cream butter “Forest Power”

Detox program

Price: 13400 ₽
Duration: 70 min
Svedana is an Ayurvedic term which denotes «toxins evaporation». According to Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine), svedana is a soft steam procedure, which prolongs life, refills inner energy and restores the balance of three fundamental life elements doshas. The program consists of body moisturizing with sesame oil, which is not only a powerful antioxidant, it also opens up your heart. During the warming in cedar barrel your body is deeply steamed with herbal decoctions, and the organism is thoroughly cleansed. Body peeling with spices boosts skin regeneration and elasticity. Gentle face peeling restores healthy and smooth look. The mask with tonic and freshening effect is applied on your hair, then later as the perfect end of procedure you drink masala tea, listen to the forest sounds, the murmur of the spring and admire a brilliant view on mountains.
6. Masala tea

Spa program

СТОИМОСТЬ: 21500 ₽
This program is aimed at deep cleansing of the entire body. Lymphatic drainage massage with kelp oil and wrapping with whole-leaf kelp helps to remove toxins and strengthen the immune system. Facial massage and cleansing mask improves skin elasticity and restores.
1. Seaweed salt scrub
2. Wrap
3. Lymphatic drainage massage
4. Facial massage and face mask
5. Detox drink

Spa program
"12 herbs"

СТОИМОСТЬ: 13400 ₽
A decoction of 12 herbs: hops, licorice, oregano, birch, rosemary, rhodiola rosea, leuzea, hazel, saltwort, dandelion, comfrey, wormwood, highland mumiyo, fucus and kelp extracts, argan oil, shea butter, cedar nut, safflower, evening primrose, vitamins F, E, essential oils of geranium, lavender, rosewood, ylang-ylang, neroli.
1. Head and back massage
2. Facial massage
3. "Renaissance" facial mask
4. Foot massage

Spa program

СТОИМОСТЬ: 12500 ₽
Promotes the breakdown of fat deposits and weight loss. Normalizes water-salt metabolism, activates the lymphatic system. Effectively fights cellulite, improves skin texture and elasticity. Stimulates the synthesis of vitamins in the skin: d, e, b, pp. Promotes strengthening of blood vessels. Improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
1. Salt scrub for the body "Fucus"
2. Classic general massage with "Fucus" oil
3. Face mask "Janssen"

Ready-made programs

Based on our experience we have thought ready-made solutions

We have made sure that everything you need for having good rest at banya was within reach

Price includes:

Rent of the whole complex with staff:

Heated pool with spring water, wooden baths with running spring water, big clay steam room, tank with herbal decoctions, heated on an open fire

Aromaparenie ritual

in clay steam room “Ezhikha”

Banya accessories:

Bathrobe, slippers, felt hat, towels, sauna sheets, disposable underwear

Tea from Krasnaya Polyana, mount honey and home-made jam

Premium cosmetics LIA:

Shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel, micellar water, face oil essence

“If there is a couture among banyas, this is he…”

The highest appreciation of our work is your feedback. The thing is not only in happiness when you leave our place. It is important that you come back and we become friends.

I am a steam expert and I assure you, @britishbanya is feast, joy and bliss which is close to true happiness, it’s peace and beauty.
Neither have I seen a place more fabulous than this, nor could I have a chance to shoot it. I advise everyone to visit @britishbanya and plunge into the magic. Can you believe everything here is created by people…The way @geramitrosh and @margobir take care of their work is worth much respect.
This is the place you have to visit once - to be cleansed and to reborn - just like in ancient magical ritual. Certainly for inhaling a cold fir aroma and watching first spring drops. In order to remember these moments better you have to feel them and repeat it again and again.
My mind travelled away and body enjoyed. We felt like home here. @britishbanya is love.
Mitrosh Banya is a completely different product, not the one I used to in my childhood. It is gradual heating, pleasant procedures with salt and honey rubbing, special whisk patting technique and various eucalyptus and herbal decoctions.
Mitrosh Banya has already become a family tradition. We’ve been here right at this time last year. Today we brought Mark to meet real banya for his first time. From the look on his face we’re sure he’s inspired and even more…

After decent parenie we invite you to enjoy our specialty dishes from Russian stove in restaurant “Yabloki pechem”

“Yabloki pechem” is the restaurant about
visit “Yabloki Pechem” website for details
Yabloki Pechem

The ideal venue for holding your event

Take on the role of master of the small magical world, where you have got everything and no one can get in without invitation. You can relax in banya and reborn like a Phoenix with the help of our best banschiks, have a dinner at fireplace, tasting dishes from Russian stove cooked specially for you in “Yabloki Pechem” restaurant, then continue your evening in rooms of mudbrick house in order to sleep after all like the happiest person, who won’t lie when thinking to himself “I’m home!”

Not everyone can afford to go back home at any time, but we are here for you, in our own unique home, for making your wishes come true and to organize such a magical atmosphere for you!

A robe is the founder's favorite closet item

We carefully and long developed the model of the bathrobe to make it as cozy as possible.

TO “Mitrosh BANYA”

We are located at the very heart of Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi

Komsomolskiy Ln., 4a, Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi
Call us
+7 918 607-66-11
Working hours
Around the clock

We are always glad to see you at our banya! Still have questions? You may ask our administrators and receive a professional response!

Privacy policy
Mitrosh Banya © 2024 All rights reserved
Prices provided on this website can not be used as a public offer of services.
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Mitrosh Banya rules of renting

Whole complex rent
3 hours per person - 13400 rub.
  • Rent of the whole complex with staff
  • 3 steam rooms
  • Heated pool
  • 2 wooden baths
  • Seating area with swing
  • Open terrace with mount view
  • Bannik’s tank with herbal decoctions
  • Aromaparenie ritual
  • Banya accessories
  • Herbal tea with home -made jam
Main services
  • Parenie treatments by banschiks from 11600 ₽ to 38600 ₽
  • Massages from 3500 ₽
  • Peelings from 3950 ₽
  • Spa programs from 13400 ₽
  • Masks and wrappings from 1700 ₽
Non refundable deposit required for the reservation of whole complex‍

For groups of 2 and more:
Mon-Thu - 60 000 rub.
Fri-Sun - 70 000 rub.

For those who prefer to spend time
on their own - 50 000 rub.
The maximum number of guests is 25
Banya is available for rent by reservation only and after making an advance payment
Rental for children under 5 years old is free, for age from 6 to 12 years old with a 50% discount, from 13 years old the rental price is the same as for adults. All services for children under 12 years old are provided with a 50% discount and with reduced time of service by half.
*Exception - Parenie for kids
Alcohol is prohibited on the territory of Mitrosh Banya. Persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication will not be allowed into banya complex. Consumption of alcohol during the visit of complex is prohibited.
Parenie done with our own whisks by banschiks of our company only is allowed on the territory of Mitrosh Banya.
If you have a gift card
The gift card is valid for 1 year from the purchase date, which is indicated on card form. The gift card is valid only if you have fiscal receipt. If the gift card validity has expired, funds are not subject to refund.
Ready-made programs